What you fix when you hire someone internally

Successful organizations have already identified the rising issue of skills gap and started developing talent pools within their organization based on business needs.. So that they are prepared when that next position becomes open an employee is already ready to transition to that role. These organizations are damn sure of their succession management and giving transparency to employees when it comes to letting them know of the skills and potential that the organization would need in the future.

But in many organizations hiring somebody internally is not always the first option. Instead they hire someone from outside who is totally new to the organization. But what if somebody in your organization is already qualified and ready to take over that next role? Giving him the opportunity would mean you value & support your employees career advancement.

Here are 4 things you fix when you hire someone internally

Not only fill a position but retain that great employee

While moving your talent from one role to the next level in the ladder you are not only filling a position but in reality you are retaining your great talent. Considering an employee internally would make him believe that the organization cares about him and what he wants to achieve in his career. Employee values career advancement opportunities the most when they plan to change employers. So why not let them have that career opportunity while they work with you and let them grow within the organization. Read on: Internal Mobility – the key to talent retention

Enhance your talent brand

Your people are the foundation of your business and they want to work with somebody they like. Employees are more likely to become collaborative, productive and at their best when they work with people they know already. Having a robust internal mobility program adds to your culture and helps attract the best and brightest candidates from inside and outside the organization. Job seekers and employees alike will have a positive perception about working for those organizations that offer range of professional opportunities and career paths where they can grow.

Reduce cost per hire

You know the cost for hiring a new candidate and that includes recruiters pay, advertising, agency fees, relocation costs and sometimes even other additional expenses like travel cost of applicant or recruiters. And other costs like orientation, training and the time gap that an employee would need to become productive. So far we talked only about the cost. How about the culture fit? You cannot bail out on that.. Now what if you have an employee who already knows the culture, have in depth knowledge of your industry, have great relationship with employees with immense skills and experience to take over that open position. Hiring someone internally would not only mean reduced cost per hire but the impact is huge. Read on : Employers hire your personality.

Gain your employees trust and loyalty

Organizations that have a successful internal mobility program have a well structured process of providing their employees with training, tools and even mentoring to help them build a rewarding career. Hiring someone internally would send out a message that organization values their employees career aspirations. Employees will feel great when they know that somebody among them have gotten that push to reach to the next level within the organization. This would help gain your employees trust and they would be much more loyal when they know that their great work was recognized.

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