Ship regularly – Take your Challenge

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The only purpose of starting is to finish, and while the projects we do are never really finished, they must ship. Shipping means hitting the publish button on your blog, showing a presentation to the sales team, answering the phone, selling the muffins, sending out your references…Shipping is the collision between your work and outside world. Shipping something regularly is a rare skill that makes you indispensable.

These are the words of Seth Godin and a snippet from his book ‘Linchpin‘ which helped me get my thoughts straight as I wander around the lake in the morning thinking about how should I get back to my writing schedule.

Ship regularly – Take your Challenge

And that’s when I see the Your Turn Challenge started by @winniekao who motivates the bloggers community to blog and ship regularly for the next 7 days. For me to ship means to hit that publish button at Your HR Buddy!! As you know it is always a little hard to get back to the schedule after a long break. But pushing yourself to commit by making plans and making it happen will help you reach where you want to be. I have always seen this and it has worked for me many times. And you should try doing it!

Last year was great as always at India HR LIVE and DriveThruHR in building the HR community, bringing people together, collaborating, learning and elevating the HR profession. I was busy building India HR LIVE network last year and kind of lost my focus on writing regularly at my own blog here at Your HR Buddy!! As I head into 2015 this is one of my top priorities – to put my perspectives in place, write regularly and to hit that publish button.

So tune in here as I publish regularly for the next 7 days. I am hoping to continue that even after the 7 days target, by setting an expectation to ship at least three times a week and talk more about Talent Engagement, Employment Experience and Work Culture.

I look forward to sharing what I can learn by putting myself on a vigorous schedule to write. Something that you and I can RELATE to from a personal and professional perspective.

Hope to hear from you all. Stop by, say a word or two… and I invite you to ‘Take your Challenge’ Are you in?

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