Dwane Lay talks about Organization culture and leadership

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I had the pleasure to meet Dwane Lay right after he kicked off the opening keynote session at Lousiana SHRM Conference talking about “Changing Culture: The Impossible, The Possible and Living on The Difference.”

Dwane highlighted the building blocks and various inputs of culture like norms, values, symbols, technology and language and how everything counts towards rebuilding your organization and it’s culture. How a small change or tweaking these inputs impacts the outcome of your organization’s culture like you envisioned.

He shared how workplace behavior is directly connected to your employee productivity and how bullet points, militant language and workplace violence suck! He urged us to identify the influence or the dissenting voices and most importantly getting to know each other’s. Practicing on critical thinking and listening to what others has to say are really imperative to learn from each other.

He says ‘Everyone is normal until you get to know them and see them as individuals. Just knowing this makes you more powerful, be it person, process or what’s happening around you’.

But can you change the culture? Does an Organization’s Culture change when it’s leadership changes?

Interview with Dwane Lay on Organization culture & leadership!

Watch here to know more about organization culture, leadership and about his new book ‘Lean HR’- introducing process excellence to your practice. He talks about how lean methodologies, tools and techniques that are easy to use can help find a solution to your problems and tells you how to leverage them to bring an element of process excellence to your HR department.

Dwane Lay is the a writer, speaker, facilitator and author of the book ‘Lean HR’. He is the Head of HR Process Design for Dovetail Software and blogs at LeanHRblog.com. You can connect with him on LinkedIn, Facebook & on twitter at @DwaneLay.

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