At work – Fun and Happiness are contagious

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This week I talked about being Great Leaders, Managing Multiple Bosses and now I want to talk about being happy at work!

I had an amazing time working for my previous employer (Reliance Communications). No, I am not sugarcoating nor am I saying this because I am not currently working with them but I miss them. Like any other organization I had good times and some bad times. It is all part of the game. But if someone asked me this question “if I had an option to continue there, would I!?” Yes, Of course, I will.

Apart from the satisfaction of the work I was doing, the amazing thing that made me feel at home was the ‘People’ that I worked with. And all they did was they made me feel that they cared about me. Well, not just about me, but everyone cares each other within that organization, irrespective of hierarchy. We celebrated almost all the occasions that could possibly bring happiness in the work place like I mentioned in my previous posts.

There were all sorts of weird people (just kidding) that can turn one’s day at work into memorable one. There were people to throw surprise parties, people to encourage your initiative and put you into action, people to support you in your ups and downs like one of your family member would and of course there were people skilled in mimicking other people, skilled singers and dancers etc. Not to mention, there were people to piss you off also, just like any other organization! No doubt about it!

Talking about weird things reminded me to share one of the recent birthday celebrations that they had for Suresh Bahuleyan. His team members and friends had done quite a bit preparation to surprise him. I know if it is your birthday all this can be expected. But I know there is a man behind this, Suraj Sudhan and with his weirdness he would do things which you may never expect. He is the one mimicry artists I was referring to, skilled at writing humor stories and delivering them in his own style on any given occasion. I am not kidding; you can listen to Suraj’s funny stuff at Kochi FM 102.3.

Let me take you through the happy weird things that brought a big smile to Suresh’s face on his birthday. Look at the picture, Suresh’s workstation was decorated in such a way that he had to inaugurate his workstation by cutting ribbons so as to make him feel like he is a star who inaugurates a big venture or something.  He was honored with ‘Ponnada’ (In India people show the honor and respect by covering one’s shoulder with a silk cloth called ‘Ponnada’) But here Suraj and team went with a cost effective ‘Ponnada’, They collected a cotton cloth and stylized the borders with coconut leaf, crowned him with dry leaves and made him the emperor of his kingdom. There were fancy photos with film actresses standing beside him and customized thank you cards. At the end they pasted him with creamy cake frosting. I am sure I may have missed a few other things about their celebrations. But all I can see through these photos are happy people near and around him. How about that!?

You must be having someone like Suresh and Suraj at your workplace. Appreciate them and embrace all chances to bring happiness to each other at work and outside your workplace as well.

Everyday work cannot be fun and may not go as we wanted it to go. Meeting that urgent deadline, working with a difficult customer or sometimes becoming the target of your manager’s frustration. But make sure you yourself bring happiness to your workplace because its contagious and you are the one who can influence your surroundings.

As per the World Happiness Report, at work, job security and good relationships do more for job satisfaction than high pay and convenient hours. Employees of organizations which foster good community and socialization at workplace are mostly engaged and more productive than others.

So what do you think, Can you bring a happiness to your workplace? What do you do to bring happiness at work? Share your thoughts in the comments! I would love to hear what you think.

Happy weekend and see you next week more with about my life and HR stuff.

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