Top 20 shows of DTHR in 2013

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DriveThruHR always provides great content that talks about the latest happenings in the HR/Recruiting/HRtech industry. Every year we do over 265 shows and each show is different and unique from one another. Just like how unique our guests are. Did you miss the highlights from last year? Then catch up here and listen to the top 20 shows that our audience has listened to the most in 2013!

Here are the top 20 shows of DTHR in 2013

  1. John Sumser on Data and Analytics– Originally aired on 7/2/2013. Follow him on twitter at @JohnSumser
  2. Don MacPherson on Organizational Values– Originally aired on 1/8/2013. Follow him on twitter at @macpherson_d
  3. Scott Fowle on Recruitment Marketing– Originally aired on 5/24/2013. Follow him on twitter at @smashflyscott
  4. Chris Russell on Social and Mobile Recruiting– Originally aired on 1/25/2013. Follow him on twitter at @chrisrussell
  5. Tara Fournier on developing Young HR Professionals– Originally aired on 2/22/2013. Follow her on twitter at @SHRMTara
  6. Bill Glenn on Social Recruiting and Mobile Recruiting– Originally aired on 1/18/2013. Follow him on twitter at @williamwglenn
  7. Melanie Rydalch on Leadership and Cultural Values– Originally aired on 1/14/2013. Follow her on twitter at @mrydalch
  8. Steve Boese on HR technology industry– Originally aired on 2/7/2013. Follow him on twitter at @SteveBoese
  9. Kris Dunn on Gamification– Originally aired on 3/8/2013. Follow him on twitter at @kris_dunn
  10. Jason Lauritsen on how the companies can get the most out of people originally aired on 1/4/2013. Follow him on twitter at @JasonLauritsen
  11. Joyce Maroney on Work Flexibility– Originally aired on 3/1/2013. Follow her on twitter at @wf_institute
  12. Brent Daily & Natalie Baumgartner on Work culture & Leadership– Originally aired on 1/23/2013. Follow her on twitter at @brentdaily @ask_dr_nat
  13. Sarah Williams on Employee Relations & Managing change– Originally aired on 3/15/2013. Follow her on twitter at @thebuzzonhr
  14. Rudy Karsan on Employee Engagement and Big data– Originally aired on 2/26/2013. Follow him on twitter at @RudyKarsan
  15. Kristi Erickson on Performance management & Succession Planning – Originally aired on 2/1/2013. Follow her on twitter at @KMErickson
  16. Shon Burton on Recruiting for culture fit and Metrics– Originally aired on 7/26/2013. Follow him on twitter at @shon
  17. Laurie F. Ruettimann on voting rights Act and Equality  originally aired on 6/28/2013. Follow her on twitter at @lruettimann
  18. Laurie Ruettimann on developing the future of HR originally aired on 1/1/2013. Follow her on twitter at @lruettimann
  19. John Reaves Whitaker on setting personal goals originally aired on 2/8/2013. Follow him on twitter at @HR_Hardball
  20. Eric Meyer on misuse of social media by employees at Lunch with DriveThruHR originally aired on 2/21/2013. Follow him on twitter at @Eric_B_Meyer

Stay tuned! Listen to the upcoming shows over here, Connect with us on our Facebook pageLinkedIn, Instagram and follow us on twitter at @drivethruhr and #dthr

Connect with your hosts on twitter at @Bryanwempen@Williamtincup and @theHRbuddy

PS: This ranking is based on maximum number of listeners till date

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