Intercultural workplaces – East and West

Today’s guest blog is from Prabhjit Kaur, a Global HR Professional, Founder of KaurSkills, talks about her thoughts on intercultural workplaces from East to West!

I am pleased to be blogging for Your HR Buddy!!. There is so much we could all write about, but the aim for our partnership is to focus on successful cross-cultural workplaces. We hope to engage, share knowledge and encourage some inspiring discussion on creating impactful, high performance teams that is inclusive, engaging and energetic. This starts with some basics.

There is a lot online, about HR needing to reflect on intercultural competencies as businesses progress and expand operations globally.

As founder of KaurSkills, I am working across 2 very distinct and culturally diverse countries – the UK and India. Some of my knowledge has also been shared beyond: South Asia and the West. So for my initial blog with Nisha, I will focus on some current reading and a little of my professional thoughts …. (more…)

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How to Conduct an Effective Performance Review

Your HR Buddy is honored to have the amazing voices in the HR space joining us to share their insights. And this time we have Erica L. Fener, Ph.D., Vice President, Business Development Strategy and Analysis at Progressus Therapy talks about how to hold an effective Performance review.

Conducting performance reviews is dreaded by most managers. These meetings often involve uncomfortable conversations with staff and are frequently interpreted as disciplinary rather than helpful feedback. However, these reviews are a critical way to direct and guide employees toward desired behaviors and performance.

The information communicated and how it is delivered by a supervisor are important to both the manager and the employee being reviewed. Finding an effective way to handle a performance review benefits the employee and the company in two ways: (1) the performance review becomes a great guidance tool for the manager and employee; and (2) an effective performance review avoids bigger personnel problems later on. (more…)

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Jennifer McClure talks about the Future of HR

As much as I adore HR thought leaders, who I follow, and am inspired by them, I always love to learn about their interests outside of their HR world. I love to read the personal side of their story that helps me understand who they are as a person.

What amazes me about Jennifer McClure, President of Unbridled Talent LLC, is that she is a horse rider, a dedicated athlete, an equestrian champion and more interestingly her unconditioned love to her horse ‘Sarabi’. She is been in the HR industry for nearly two decades and s much as she loves the HR profession her urge to succeed being an entrepreneur inspires me the most. (more…)

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My talk about the disconnect between Online and Offline Persona!

Oh yes, I have experienced that awkward moment! Have you ever experienced the same anytime?

I use social media to connect with a lot of like minded HR professionals and thought leaders across the world. With most of them I haven’t had a chance to meet them face to face in real life. And taking that online connection to a real life experience is exciting when you meet them face to face, shake their hands and have a real conversation. I had that many of those through last couple of years. And I must say I am honored and humbled to have spent my time with them. (more…)

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5 Easy Ways To Recognize Employees

Today’s guest blog is from Travis Pearl, I met him on twitter and our relationship has grown from there professionally. Today he shares his thoughts and insights on how to proactively create a recognition culture in the organization. Read on!

We all know recognition is an important key in employee satisfaction, and recognition from peers is often just as valuable as recognition from a manager or executive.  Despite the evidence in favor of consistent and meaningful recognition at work, “More than 70% [of employees] don’t feel appreciated or valued by their employer” – Forbes.   I’m sure most readers of HR Buddy already get the importance of recognition but ask why doesn’t more recognition happen in the workplace? Oftentimes, its as simple as not knowing what to say. (more…)

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You didn’t think I quit blogging! Did you?

You guys must have noticed that I was gone for the past month. So why did I take this break? I know that must be the first question from you all! That was a long silence from my end. And usually when bloggers take a break, they publish a blog post titled ‘Gone on Vacation’ to let their audience know of their absence. Anyhow, I didn’t write that blog post! Hmmm. That wasn’t quite like HR!

But now I understand, that it was a very much needed! Especially when you have audience who cares to send emails and messages to check with you to see if you are ok.

Thanks to all for your emails and messages enquiring if I am doing alright, why I was not writing all these days, checking to see if everything was alright with my family (more…)

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Lunch and Learn with DriveThruHR

Today’s post is from one of my friends who I met on twitter, Danyel N. Rupert and she is a regular listener of DriveThruHR.  I met her on #dthr twitter stream and found that she always comes with great insights on the topic that we discuss everyday on our radio show. Being a regular contributor at #dthr our relationship developed and I am honored to present her experience listening to DriveThuHR here. Thanks Danyel for this post!

Human Resources professionals have, at once, the unique opportunity to and significant responsibility for effectively communicating and preserving an organization’s corporate culture. Our roles demand that we are consistently in tune with the needs of the workforce as well as the requirements for the jobs in our respective companies.  We have to study the behaviors of job applicants diligently and answer the questions: Where do they get their information? How do they communicate with others? Have changes in society or academia impacted the way they approach work? And, of course, stay on top of the daily transactional activities that flood our desks, voicemails, and inboxes. (more…)

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