What an employee values most that makes him engaged at workplace

Last week I published ‘10 Employee Engagement ideas that empower your employeeson LinkedIn publishing platform and thanks to my readers for chiming in with your valuable & even constructive perspectives. If you haven’t read it yet go through it and be sure to read the comments too.

After reading the post a reader of mine did join the conversation with a question that led to this post. And here is the question:

Some organizations (especially in India) believe things like Sports, Cultural Activities, Outings, Team lunch and Birthday parties etc are the way to go to improve Employee Engagement. What is your take on this?

I don’t deny the fact that fun keeps the culture alive and it helps strengthen relationships among employees. Bringing joy and happiness to workplace will transform companies to become more productive and people come wanting to work there. No doubt about it!

But come on, an employee doesn’t really care about the fun atmosphere at workplace if the work that he does on a day to day basis is not fascinating to him.

Efforts are always made from the time of inception of an organization to figure out the best practices that could possibly make their employees more engaged. But make sure not to miss the fact that employees care more about their job and their growth within the organization.

I hope you read my article where I talked about employee engagement isn’t all fun activities. I know that conducting fun activities has become a common strategy that some employers follow when they want to engage employees at workplace. But that alone doesn’t cut it!

Here are 5 rules to help you understand what an employee values most and makes him engaged at workplace! Click on the link to read full article that I published on LinkedIn.


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