Employee Satisfaction and Culture Instigators at Rackspace

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Yesterday Crystal Miller and I interviewed Kelly Long @Kelly_long, HR Chief of Staff at Rackspace, the Open Cloud Company and she talked about the unique work culture at Rackspace, tracking employee satisfaction and having ‘Culture Instigators’ as brand advocates to drive internal engagement.

Employee Satisfaction and Culture Instigators at Rackspace

Listen to the show to learn more about:

  • What makes Rackspace a great place to work?
  • How do they get their employees to successfully adopt and become a part of all HR initiatives?
  • Maintaining a winning workplace gets harder as the company gets bigger and expand globally. How do they build, nurture and maintain a sustainable company culture?
  • How do they track employee satisfaction?
  • How did they kick off their HR analytics and strategies and how did they get their leaders to buy in?
  • What are some cool tools that they use?
  • What HR metrics do they use to measure the culture of the organization?

DriveThruHR was designed to be a captivating and easy-to-digest lunch discourse that covers topics relevant to HR professionals.  Each 30-minute episode features a guest speaker who shares her or his knowledge and experience in human resources. DriveThruHR hosts and special guest cover a wealth of topics, including HR Technology, Recruiting, Talent Management, Leadership, Organizational Culture and Strategic HR, every day at 12:00 pm Central Time.  The radio program is hosted by @williamtincup and @thehrbuddy.  The #1 HR show, with amazing HR conversations and follow us on the twitters at  @drivethruhr and #dthr.

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