How can HR stay current using Social Media

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One thing I always like about HR profession is that the field is constantly changing and deliciously challenging! And if you want to succeed in this competitive arena you got to be continuously learning the latest trends happening in your industry.

But I have always noticed when it comes to 9-5 work life it is always hard for majority of us to set some time aside for reading and staying current. And you are probably wondering how on earth your competitors snatch great talent through social recruiting before you find them, or how your competitors reduce their cost per hire and even engage their employees using social media or other techniques.

Well, if you still don’t get what I talking about, I assume you must be living under a rock or probably you are doing your job the old school way!

Here are 3 ways HR can stay current using Social media

Read HR blogs

There is no doubt that a fairly well established HR blogger will always be on top of his or her game. And so do their readers! I have always noticed when interacting with HR professionals who blog is that they always know the cutting edge things and they are always competitive in covering all the latest trends in the HR realm. So if you are reading this be assured that you have gained some ideas which others may not be aware of! Use it wisely and here are the top HR blogs you must read in 2013 and a few of my favorite blogs that I follow regularly.

Listen to HR radios

HR radio shows always present HR voices from experts and leaders. Stay tuned for great HR conversations at DriveThruHR-HR’s #1 Daily Radio show at 12 pm CT/11.30 night IST. Wouldn’t you want to know how HR works in a different industry than yours, how do they deal various challenges in their organization, and what are the various tools and techniques and HR softwares your HR peers using,  have they found it successful in using them, role that HR plays in building an organization’s culture etc. Every time I tune in to DriveThruHR I always learn something new from the diverse experiences that people share about HR, career and business which helps me look at HR from a broader perspective. Check out here to listen to the archives and follow their updates on Facebook!

Follow HR and Business experts

HR and Business experts are always avid readers and great at networking! So following the HR experts, bloggers, thoughts leaders and speakers on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn will keep you up to date with the latest changes and help you understand their viewpoint. Other than that follow SHRM, and the business experts like Harvard Business Review, Fast company and and even companies in your own industry. This will help you speak a business language keeping your HR and organizational goals in mind and will help you look at your job from a bigger picture. More than you would by just sticking to a traditional 9-5 HR job.

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