Top 10 Social Recruiters on Twitter

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I am a fan of twitter chat communities and have been involved in the space consistently for a while now. This has helped me notice the recruiters out there who are seriously contributing their ideas and thoughts, sharing job search advice and are highly active on twitter to find, connect & engage their candidates. I am sure you would agree that this is more than just throwing a job description at you and leaving you staring at a black hole!

So here are the Top 10 Social Recruiters on Twitter that you must connect with!

@MNHeadhunter: If you are looking for IT jobs/Recruiter position connect with Paul DeBettignies, who is an established Minnesota IT Recruiter / Headhunter, HireCast Consulting, Blogger,Speaker & Consultant on Recruiter, HR, Career & Social Media. You can connect with on LinkedIn here 

@YouTernMark Mark Babbitt is CEO & Founder of @YouTern that enables young talent become employable by connecting them to high-impact internships and mentors & through contemporary career advice found on his blog – The Savvy Intern. You can connect with on LinkedIn here. Best way to get him notice you is by participating in their #internpro chat on Monday, 9.p.m. EST

@levyrecruits: Steve Levy is an recruiting leader & expert who always shares valuable career insights and recruiting advice on twitter. Best way to connect with him is to comment on his conversations or contribute to his ideas and engage him. You can connect with him on LinkedIn here. 

@TomBolt Tom Bolt is a Sourcing and Recruiting Guru, a Job seeker advocate, trainer, blogger, speaker, consultant &  CEO at Leute Management Services, LLC. You can connect with him on LinkedIn here 

@EmilieMeck : Connect with Emilie Mecklenborg to know about the career opportunities at Ford. She is a Career Coach, Human Resources expert, Job Seeker Advocate & Manages Social Media for #Ford Motor Company Careers Facebook and @FordCareers | #Bulldog Owner | IBMer. You can connect with her on LinkedIn here·

@CornOnTheJob: Candidates call Rich DeMatteo as Mr. Job Man. That says it all. He is the founder or#jobhuntchat a twitter chat community for Job seekers and recruiters on every Monday at 10-11 p.m EST

@jerichohr: If you are looking for HR/ Recruiting positions, connect with Josh Slimmer, who is an Executive Search Guru, Recruiter, Headhunter, Networker, HR PRO & a Guitar Junkie. You can connect with him on LinkedIn  here

@AmyAtCiti: Amy Ng is the leading Citi’s social media talent engagement efforts & the voice of@CitiJobs. She is highly active on twitter connecting jobseekers  with Recruiters. You can connect with her on LinkedIn here 

@Recruit4u : Steven G. Davis is Recruiting leader, Director of Operations, HR, and Staffing Solutions provider at Staffing Sense. You can connect with him on LinkedIn here


@RecruiterAT : If you are looking for Biotech/Pharmaceutical jobs, connect with Amanda McFarland who is a Recruiter tweeting career opportunities, resume tips & interview advice. You can connect with her on LinkedIn here 

P.S.: This list was not prepared by any scientific methods but rather is my opinion based on job tweets that they frequently share and their consistent contributions in online communities.

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