Holiday Office Party ideas

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Yeah! It’s Christmas time and I know you have landed this page looking for holiday office party ideas to rock your celebrations. Not surprisingly I have noticed a lot of visitors landing my blog by searching for similar ideas. So here we go!

Secret Santa Game: Oh come on, say something new! This might be your first response after reading this. I know. But this could be a fun event to break the surprise of your secret friend and exchanging holiday gifts with them. Make it funny and more personal while presenting gifts. If someone is a good cook, give them a bag of exotic vegetables!

Competitions: There are a lots of them! Best Santa Competitions, best Carol singing competition, best decorated cubicle competition, wine tasting competition, donut eating competition and what not. Find out one of your own that can add more color to your holiday celebrations.

Name the Santa: Ok, now you have to guess the employee who dresses up as Santa. And you will get an amazing prize for it!

Karaoke Competition: Could be a great event to all of your employees participating in the karaoke competition, showing their talent in singing and the most interesting part of it is to enjoy seeing their team members having awkward moment with a mike in their hand.

Bring Kids to office: Have special programs for the kids of your employees and give your employees an opportunity to work alongside their kid.

Pot luck Lunch: Nothing easier than a potluck lunch at work to share your happiness with food. Read it here on how to conduct a pot luck lunch at work.

Minute to Win It: Check out this website to know all sorts of crazy competitions with your office supplies. Don’t need a budget for this but would be fun to see your team members compete each other.

Check out this Christmas Fun activity at office that I celebrated with Archon Group & Monthly fun activities at office that I wrote long time back. Can give you a few more ideas.

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