Christmas Fun Activities at Office

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It’s Christmas time and I know most of you would be planning some festivities and employee fun get together at office!

We all know that this is one of the most pleasant times, with all the happiness and joy, when we would want to be around our family, friends & beloved ones and most importantly thankful for everything we have! So what else could be a better occasion than this time to have a fun activity involving family members of employees at work? Well this is exactly what Archon Group did!

I was part of the Bizarre Bazaar, an employee engagement activity organized by Archon Group, the company that my husband works at. It involved employees and their family members showcasing their unique skills and talents and possibly helping each other make some extra holiday cash and get started on their holiday shopping. This is my second year at the Bizarre Bazaar (read about last year’s event here) and I was honored to exhibit my artistic creations through my Acrylic & Oil paintings. And a few of the folks  I met last year made it to this year as well with their art: hand made jewelry, fragrant candles, handmade greeting cards, paintings, cupcakes & brownies and delicious home made food! Here are a few snaps from the event!

How to make the most out of fun gatherings involving the family at work!

Stop by and meet family

I saw managers and team members taking time out of their busy schedules to stop by the booth of their team members to meet their family & greet them. It would take only a few minutes but the impact that you make among the family members is huge in a way that makes them feel that their beloved ones are working with people who value relationships.

Network for good

This could be a great place for networking with other employees in the company and even family members. I overheard somebody asking about current job opening to one of the employees, to help her niece who wants to relocate to Dallas.Even if you are not intending to do your job search in this type of event or not interested in doing your art for business, keep some business cards ready to handover to the people you network with. This will help them remember you! We may never know who knows who! This will pay off when you do your job search or you might even get a deal for making custom made art for somebody!

Help each other

One thing I noticed at the event is people help each other by buying their art! A gentleman who put up a booth for cup cakes bought handmade greeting cards from the booth next to him. While we were waiting for the shoppers to stop by our table we were helping others by buying some of their art!

Respect the time & effort

I know of the time and effort that I spent to finish all my paintings. So I can imagine the time that others spent making their own handmade art. Be it card making, jewelry or baking your favorite cupcakes. We all have put our love and care into everything that we make and some people may not be there to make money but only to showcase their talent. So compliment people on their creativity and respect their efforts.

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