Focus on positives and move on!

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I had a chat with a few of my friends this Sunday! Having kept in touch with them through Facebook for a while, I was finally happy to meet and spend time with them.

I am happy to see the changes happening in everybody’s life. Some of them are happy to welcome a new member in their family, yes their new born baby! Others are excited to begin a happy married life and a few others like me, are celebrating every day life by doing whatever makes them happy.

Yet there are a few who are bogged down worrying about the departure of their long time colleague and cursing the situation of having to work with an entirely different team members and different manager.

Really!! When life puts you in a different situation, why do we tend to look at it from a negative angle? Why don’t we focus on the positives?

I know some times life places you in a difficult situation which you might have not even expected. But instead of cursing the situation why cannot we focus on the positives that will help us handle the situation successfully.

If you are with an entirely new team, working with a new manager, working on an entirely different project which you have not done before or dealing with any new situation in your life, always start by considering little pieces of positive energy that you can count on to move ahead.

If it is a new person, understand his unique qualities or skill sets that differentiate him from you and can learn from him. That will help you easily build a relationship with him and help you grow as a person.

Or if it is a new assignment or project that you are tasked with, rather than worrying about the difficulties of doing it, focus on the areas that you need to improve on and expand your capabilities and not just focus on successfully completing it. Gaining new knowledge and experience out of it will eventually help you grow professionally. I am sure the experience that you gain from doing it can help you reach the pinnacle of your career.

Change is the one thing that is constant in our life and sometimes we all need that kick to delve through a new situation, learn from it and probably reveal our capabilities and qualities that we have never known before.

So what do you think? How do you deal with the changes in your life?

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