Reader’s Question of the week – How to get into a career in HR!!

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A reader writes:

I am working as an HR-Recruiter in a consultancy in Chandigarh and now I will be shifting to Delhi/NCR. I want to know that would I be given an opportunity in the recruitment profile only or I can go for some other domain as well like T&D, Performance Appraisal or Generalist Profile. Does my experience as a recruiter will be relevant for other field of HR as well or for recruiter only?

Your email reminds me of one of my friends who was working as a recruiter and eventually moved into an HR Generalist role. He was doing exclusively recruitment profile initially but considering his interest level he was given opportunities to get into employee engagement and R&R programs as well. Later after reasonable years of service, he then moved onto a new company where has been given an HR generalist role.

From your mail I understand that you are interested in getting an opportunity in other areas of HR
For this you may look for the companies that will give you a platform to begin with. Considering your experience getting an opportunity in other areas of HR will not be that difficult. It can depend upon your previous experience initially.

So consider joining as a corporate recruiter in a company and get into other roles of HR eventually. Continuing in a consultancy itself might not bring you an atmosphere where you can learn more of a Generalist profile. Highlight the experience and knowledge that you have gained from working as a recruiter in consultancy. If you have managed a team (whatever be the count), reviewed their performance highlight that and show that you are capable enough to take higher responsibilities. If you are applying for new jobs make sure that resume accurately reflects any aspects of your consulting experience that you can relate to other areas of HR. for example if you helped any of your new hires with orientation/on-boarding then you can highlight that.

Other suggestion is look for the entry level role in HR (T&D, Operations, or Generalist) where you can step ahead and learn. It’s worth trying and moreover you will get a broader experience of HR realm compared to continuing in a consultancy firm. But since you are already experienced (I don’t know how many yrs) I would recommend joining in a corporate recruitment team and consequently getting into other roles or look for the opportunities where a company requires you to manage dual roles.

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