Increase productivity through use of Social Media

Everyday time at work seems to fly just like anything!  Time spent to search that email that you had already read long time back, responding to all unread emails, searching for an important document that is required for your next meeting or giving attention to that colleague who has asked a help with his work and list goes on an on. Then you realize its almost half of your day has gone by and you are yet to finish your to do list at work! (more…)

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How to make Performance Appraisals work for you !!

It is getting close to performance appraisal time in many companies and so here a few tips on how to make this best work for you.

Performance appraisal period is always a nerve wracking time for most of us. You work hard for the past one year and the effort is getting judged on a single day based on few sentences captured in an excel sheet or a portal somewhere. (more…)

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Leader’s Voice – Interview with Edwin James, Head HR at Marico

This time Your HR Buddy is honored to present a Leader’s voice who has Global experience in HR, Mr. Edwin Vinod James, Head of HR at Marico Limited for North Africa Region. Being an Indian he has studied and worked in different countries and brings a unique global perspective on HR and in dealing with a diverse workforce. Thanks to social media for making this interview possible given that we are a few thousands of miles apart. Although I would imagine that discussing this with him over a cup of coffee would have been a great personal experience for me. I am so excited to bring my conversation with Edwin to you. (more…)

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Do I need to inform my boss that I am planning for pregnancy?

Its been for a year that I am working as a marketing coordinator with my current company and my salary has been increased just recently to match it to the standard rate in the industry. I am totally comfortable with my job and employer since I like the work that I do and the company is located near by to my home. (more…)

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Struggle of Indian Immigrant students in US

This is the second part of an ongoing series. Check out Part 1 of ‘Brain Drain Series’ the Great Indian Movement where readers like Sunil and Dan voiced their opinion.

Last week we talked about the trend of Indian students migrating to the western land with dreams of a higher quality education and a promising career.  But most people don’t  know the reality and the hardship that they go through in their life. (more…)

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Great Leaders – Stop doing too much and start leading
Busy Businessman

Great Leaders – Stop doing too much and start leading

Last week I visited one of my friends (who is a manager at Texas Instruments) to congratulate him on the arrival of his baby boy. He was full of joy and excited and the baby had brought out a certain warmth in him. But at the same time when I asked him about his work he was kind of stressed out for staying away from his work for few days. (more…)

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