How to Conduct an Effective Performance Review

Your HR Buddy is honored to have the amazing voices in the HR space joining us to share their insights. And this time we have Erica L. Fener, Ph.D., Vice President, Business Development Strategy and Analysis at Progressus Therapy talks about how to hold an effective Performance review.

Conducting performance reviews is dreaded by most managers. These meetings often involve uncomfortable conversations with staff and are frequently interpreted as disciplinary rather than helpful feedback. However, these reviews are a critical way to direct and guide employees toward desired behaviors and performance.

The information communicated and how it is delivered by a supervisor are important to both the manager and the employee being reviewed. Finding an effective way to handle a performance review benefits the employee and the company in two ways: (1) the performance review becomes a great guidance tool for the manager and employee; and (2) an effective performance review avoids bigger personnel problems later on. (more…)

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Jennifer McClure talks about the Future of HR

As much as I adore HR thought leaders, who I follow, and am inspired by them, I always love to learn about their interests outside of their HR world. I love to read the personal side of their story that helps me understand who they are as a person.

What amazes me about Jennifer McClure, President of Unbridled Talent LLC, is that she is a horse rider, a dedicated athlete, an equestrian champion and more interestingly her unconditioned love to her horse ‘Sarabi’. She is been in the HR industry for nearly two decades and s much as she loves the HR profession her urge to succeed being an entrepreneur inspires me the most. (more…)

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6 things to do to get an expat become productive faster

You might be wondering why your expatriate employees are taking this long to become productive compared to their outstanding performance in their home country. I am not talking about a forced overseas assignment. Most of the expatriate employees are excited and welcome the challenge when an opportunity is presented in a different land but the unknown culture, coworkers, the stress of being away from family members and even inability of spouse to adjust can distract them.

Considering an expatriate with a little care and support can help them ease their transition and become productive faster.

Here are a few thoughts that I would suggest to make your expat’s life as exciting as they expect it to be. (more…)

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How I made myself resourceful during my career crisis

Well, what you do when you don’t know the meaning of a word! You would google it, won’t you?

What if you don’t know how to solve a problem in your life…Yeah, you might still google it to know if somebody faced that same situation before and if so how did they handle it!

And that’s what I did when I moved to United States and encountered with the situation of not being able to work here due to immigration laws and regulations. In fact I am writing this post for those who are in same situation as me and a few wanted to hear from me on what to do to get your career continuing. It was such a frustration to find myself in an unemployed situation. Well, most of  the frustration wasn’t the unemployment but the feeling that I was left with no option. Didn’t know what to do and where to get help. It wasn’t easy for me and was so hard to process. I wrote about me freaking out about it 2 years ago here. (more…)

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What does HR do wrong in Exit interviews?!

Your employee decided to quit and sent you the resignation letter, now what?!

Would you have a discussion with him to know what made him to take this decision or will you wait for the manager to approve his resignation so that you can send him the exit interview forms?

Well, I have seen, most of the time HR conducts exit interviews as just a way to check the box and don’t even try to have an actual conversation with the employee unless he is a top performer who you don’t want to quit. (more…)

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4 Challenges for Global HR professionals

When business operates across international borders, economic situations as well as diversity can affect your operations! And being a strategic business partner HR professional’s contribution to the success of their organization can be really critical. And that can be from complying with different rules and regulations to integrating markets across nations and managing diverse culture of your workforce . (more…)

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Why should Global HR improve their Cross-Cultural Awareness!

As companies emerge into a new market, especially into a global environment, their ability to manage a global workforce is imperative to the success of their organization.

But when we consider managing a global workforce, more sensitivity should be displayed in handling diverse cultures than in maintaining policies, procedures and labor laws. I don’t deny the fact that policies in managing workforce in your country can be entirely different to that in other countries. (more…)

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