Nisha Raghavan #LinkedInLive show

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Hello everyone! After two years of a sabbatical from blogging, I have decided to come back. Yes, I am going to write again.  

I must say, it wasn’t easy to take a long break from a platform where you all have given me so much support and encouragement. And I am thankful for it forever! But I found myself at a stage where I had to take care of something personal and went through a surgery. A year after that I got pregnant and now I am a mom to a 20 months old. You know the scenario… One after the other… Long story short, the break from blogging helped me focus on family and work. 

Thank you for all the messages and emails that you sent to check on me and encouraged me to write again. Your requests and messages gave me renewed energy and motivation to come back and contribute more. 

And I believe this a great time to come back with all the new trends in the Digital and Social Media space. One thing that intrigued me is the #LinkedInLIVE platform. I can’t wait to explore the platform and try out the ability to multi-stream to other social media LIVE channels as well. 

Yes, I am going to launch my own show! Nisha Raghavan #LinkedInLive show!  Oh boy! I am nervous and excited at the same time. 

Hosting podcasts like DrivethruHR and India HR LIVE has given me so much of knowledge by interviewing and talking to the best and the brightest in the industry. I am excited that I will get to do more of it now (Thanks to my manager and employer for allowing me to do this) and hopefully you will be able to learn some nuggets on Talent Attraction and Storytelling!

I will be launching my first episode of Season 1 which is all about Employer Branding

on July 24th, Wednesday at 8 am CST | 9 am EST | 6.30 pm IST!

Stay tuned to your notifications on LinkedIn and bless me for a great start!

* inviting speakers to join me on the show and share their employer branding journey. If you are interested in joining me on the show or know anyone who would be a right fit please email me at


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