5 Recruitment Mistakes Hiring Managers make

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You see in many cases where if a new hire fails, the Managers blame HR. But in fact the reasons for a new hire’s failure can be because of a recruitment mistake that hiring managers made or due to poor manager relationship.

Here are 5 Recruitment mistakes that Hiring managers should avoid making.

Thinking ‘It’s not my job and that’s what HR is for’

You are the Hiring Managers so own the job. HR is there to facilitate the hiring process. So collaborate with them by being proactive in providing the right information that helps make a right hire. If you know you are going to need one more team member immediately intimate HR ahead of time. Great managers, that I know, even take the time to sit and write a job description that tells exactly what they are looking for. I bet you this would help recruiters and HR source the right candidate. Read more on ‘HR doesn’t hire, Manager do

Ignoring culture fit and focusing more on the competency

Managers often focus on skills and competencies while selecting a candidate and ignore the fact that the attitude of every employee is profoundly important in nurturing the culture of an organization. Selecting candidate based on just skills that can be easily trained and ignoring the personality, attitude and values would ultimately be a wrong hire. Hire someone who can easily match up with the culture of your organization and especially with other members in your team. Read more on ‘Employers hire your personality

Asking ridiculous questions and don’t care to probe enough

Instead of asking obvious and ridiculous questions like ‘where did you complete your graduation?’ or ‘How many golf balls can fit in a school bus?’, ask questions that are related to the job and mainly targeted to understand candidate’ s personality and attitude. Use behavioural interview questions that start with “tell me about a time when…….”. This would reveal real life examples on how the candidate reacted to a particular situation/problem and how he solved it. Listen to what candidate has to say, then probe enough and dig deeply till you get an idea on how this candidate can be a great fit based on what you are looking for. Read more on ‘5 HR experts share their favorite interview question to ask

Not respecting the time of candidate

I have seen managers show up late for the interview or don’t even show up and postpone the interview right before the scheduled time. And interviewee has to wait a long time in the waiting room patiently. If a candidate showing up late is a red flag that demonstrates his lack of respect for the people and their time then don’t forget that you showing up late for the interview can also give a bad impression. An impression that you don’t respect the candidate’s time and giving a bad representation that you and the organization don’t deliver on promises. Read more on ‘Candidate Experience Matters

Attitude of ‘What can you do for us”

I hate managers asking the question ‘What can you do for us?’ with an attitude that suggests that candidates are desperate to get this position. A great manager would make a connection with every candidate giving a picture on “ here’s what we are looking for, here’s how we have been doing things around here, here’s why we have been doing things the way we have been doing and finally here’s why we feel you should want to work for us. What do you think?”

What are some recruitment mistakes that you have seen Hiring Managers make?

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