Gamification is not a buzz word anymore. A lot of employers find gamification an effective tool to increase engagement, be it onboarding, learning and development, employee referrals, reward and recognition etc. And employers who link gamification to their business goals find it more rewarding and successful!
But why do some organizations fail while implementing gamification!
Most often employers use points and badges to encourage employees to use this amazing platform thinking that this can reap benefits. But they miss the primary goal of aligning the whole processes, connecting employee and company and linking it to their business goals. For example, employees who refer candidates that get hired will get reward points. After sometime these accumulated points can be used to redeem some gifts. Yes, rewards…., points…, and especially gifts…sound attractive!! Who doesn’t like to get gifts?
But are they referring a right fit candidate that is suitable to the organization and its culture! What is the retention rate of those candidates that are referred and hired.!! Better you focus on these key questions before you launch these initiatives.
Gamification must link with business goals.
Well that’s a little context but to give you some real business use cases I have for you, the experts, who design, install and help organizations successfully implement gamification.
Watch my interview at India HR LIVE with Siddhesh Bhobe, CEO of eMee and Sharad Verma, Senior Director-Human Resources, at SunGard where we talked about more about Gamification and how it should be used to boost employee engagement.
Infact eMee came up on my radar once introduced them through this article .