Choosing The Right Executive For Your Company

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Today’s guest blog is from Georgina Stamp sharing her take on how to choose the right executive for an organization. Read on!

Hiring somebody for an executive position can be a difficult choice, especially if you’ve never had to do the job yourself – so how do you know what you should be looking for? To choose the right executive for your company, without much, if any, knowledge of the job that they will potentially be doing, there are some things that you should take into consideration.

What Impression Do They Give?

There aren’t many situations that allow you to judge others on the impression that they give you within the first 10 minutes of meeting them; but an interview is one of them. If you haven’t yet decided what it is that you want from an executive or CEO, this is the method that you must first use; does the candidate look the part? Do they seem as if they could remain in control of a large group of people?

Strengths and Weaknesses

The longer you spend in a particular company the easier it will be for you to recognize the flaws of the people around you, and before long you will come to understand that these people were not hired for their lack of weaknesses, because each and every one of us has weaknesses; instead they were hired for their strengths and ability to contribute to the company.
When interviewing candidates for the role of executive, do not attempt to obtain every single weakness that the individual may possess; instead assess their strengths. Are these strengths valuable or are they common? Can these strengths be used to your advantage to develop the company? These are the questions that you must ask yourself In order to discover whether or not the individual is appropriate for the role of an executive or CEO.
The best method of evaluating which strengths are merely valuable and which strengths are essential for the executive role is to take on the role yourself for a short period of time. Speak with the staff as the temporary CEO; this experience will allow you to analyse which characteristics the applicant should have and how you would like them to manage difficult situations.
Realistically, you can not begin to consider candidates without first obtaining this knowledge.

Following a Criteria

Writing down what it is you want from your candidate, and what you are willing to endure makes the process of interviewing much simpler; however you shouldn’t always stick to your criteria.
Some candidates will inevitably come across as lacking when it comes down to intelligence or experience, but if your gut is telling you that this candidate has potential, listen to your instincts.
As well as writing down what it is that you want from your applicant, you should plan a set of questions that you will ask them. These questions should be quite difficult, as an executive of any kind should be able to answer tough questions that staff may ask. Keep in mind that the individual may already be nervous, though as they are in an interview situation; the way they react to the interview questions won’t be the same way they react when put into the situation.

Personality Traits

Most importantly, you need to be find out who this person really is; whether this means looking them up on social networking sites, contacting references or grilling them in the interview. You need to find out who they are before you can decide whether or not you’re willing to work with them. Are they sincere or will they criticize you at every turn? What are their reasons for applying for an executive position? Will they aid in the development of the company or do the bare minimum?
There are many other things that you should consider when hiring somebody for an executive position, but in the end it is your choice as to whether this candidate is up to scratch or not; take your time when selecting, but if you have to take a risk, make sure that it is calculated.

georgina-stampGeorgina Stamp works in the interim management industry where they scour the country for qualified individuals that are suitable for executive roles and interim management. She currently works for Marble Hill Partners.

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