You didn’t think I quit blogging! Did you?

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You guys must have noticed that I was gone for the past month. So why did I take this break? I know that must be the first question from you all! That was a long silence from my end. And usually when bloggers take a break, they publish a blog post titled ‘Gone on Vacation’ to let their audience know of their absence. Anyhow, I didn’t write that blog post! Hmmm. That wasn’t quite like HR!

But now I understand, that it was a very much needed! Especially when you have audience who cares to send emails and messages to check with you to see if you are ok.

Thanks to all for your emails and messages enquiring if I am doing alright, why I was not writing all these days, checking to see if everything was alright with my family and when I would start to write again! All of you are very dear to me and thank you so much for your patience and support.

Well, I needed this break to transition into my new assignment with DriveThruHR as a Co-Host and to fulfill my responsibilities to get our entire audio content structured on our website, which is almost equal to writing more than 600 blogs. The work is not yet completed but it has almost reached a point to where I can start writing at my blog and manage my responsibilities at DriveThruHR at the same time. And I felt this was the right decision so that I can continue to provide solid content to you all, rather than just republishing old blog posts to keep my blog alive during that break.

Don’t quit but prioritize!

As you know, I have been so passionate about getting my thoughts on this blog to help HR professionals learn and advance in their career. But at the same time the opportunity to partner with DriveThruHR was a honor and something that I was really wanting to do. Therefore I prioritized my time, and the things that I should focus on, worked all day and quite a few nights and got everything on track. And here we are!

Last month I was honored to be a part of the social media team of SHRM conferences in two states – Louisiana & Oklahoma. Thanks to Robin Schooling & Cat Carlos for giving me this opportunity to cover the conference through social media. It was a journalist sort of experience that I loved very much. And I must say, I met a lot of people in real life and networked a lot, got to take some video interviews and learned a lot from the sessions that I covered.

And after all this the great news to share is that I will be attending SHRM national conference 2013 in Chicago, next month. I am excited and looking forward to it!

So stay tuned! I have a lot to share about the sessions that I covered, videos that I captured, networking experiences and the stories of people and the social world. I have a lot in store for you! And I can’t wait to share it!

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