Don’t work for the best companies

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I know the title of this article is contradictory to general opinion. As an employee, me included, we would like to work for the best companies. And we often take pride in it. But recently hearing one of my friend’s situation intrigued me to write about how “It is not working for the best company that matters but getting a right career fit that is important for the success of your career“.

Last Friday I met my friend who joined one of the world’s leading companies seven months ago and quit last week. In fact I was so happy for her on getting an opportunity to work with such a huge company, considered ‘one of the best companies to work for in 2012‘ by Fortune Magazine. The company is very well known for their work life balance and great work culture. But it turned out that she wasn’t finding the job as exciting as the fame of the organization.

I was curious, like you would be, because quitting such a big company requires a huge courage and willingness to follow her passion.

Talking to her I understood that considering her several years of Business Analyst experience, she was looking for a career path where she can learn the core functions of HR, that will help her to get into a strategic business leadership position 5 years down the line. I get it, If I were in her shoes, I would think alike.

But when you get into big companies the opportunities to learn could be limited, because there could be nothing more left for you to innovate and initiate. Everything will be in line, implemented, structured and standardized as you end up doing a small portion of job through out your career. For example if you are a person responsible for employee life-cycle management in ERP, your job might be reduced to just updating employee personal data all the time.

I am not discouraging you or badmouthing any companies here. In fact I would also target such well known companies to work for. But it is of no secret that you can learn much more from a small organization than from a large and established one especially for entry level positions. It is really necessary that before choosing a job you figure out what you really want to do in you career. Look for a job where you can learn new skills and gain knowledge that you can take away from it. Then you will love doing your job and it will help you reach your career goals.

So what do you think? Do you look for the best companies to work for or look for the right career fit where you can learn and follow your passion?

Let me know, would love to hear from you!

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