Employees spreading positive vibes about their company

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Few days ago one of my friends shared a few photos of their “Friday Ka Funda” on Facebook – a fun competition of dressing up with papers that they did in their office. Well, It seems like he and his colleagues are having a fun time at work at MTS India.

And the fun experience for employees doesn’t end with these kinds of office activities alone. They have national sports events day where they compete with their colleagues working in other parts of the country. Another thing they do is to take their team to adventurous team building locations where they indulge in adventurous activities together like high roping, zip lining etc . And by being together they understand how to solve particular problems that can arise in and outside their work.

Another fun thing which specifically captured my attention is the posters that kept for their MTS anniversary celebrations that they had last year. They had posters of famous Indian movie characters replacing the character’s faces with that of their best performing employees. That was really a surprise and great motivation for those employees. Well, I am sure they must have a lot more fun activities at work and what I wrote here are just a few excerpts.

When most of your employees are friends with their bosses, subordinates and colleagues in Facebook, work relationships become stronger and continue to exist outside the organization as well. Well, by sharing those smiling photos of him and his colleagues at work, an employee is not just sharing the photos, but he also tells others how it feels like working in their organization, sharing their happiness and being a part of them. Its not always just every day work and recognition that motivates them but also the great energy and vibe that everybody has in their organization makes them feel connected to each other and excites them when setting foot into the office every day.

We all agree that it would be nice if we could get a feel for how working in a company would be like before applying or taking up a position there right!  And it would be more credible for candidates when they get feedback directly from the employees that work in that organization and through company Facebook pages or blogs rather than employers putting scripted testimonials on the official company website. Well, this is why we say employees are the brand ambassadors for an organization.

Considering that an employee has an average of 200 friends in Facebook and considering the count of friends of their friends as well, finding a best reference or a best candidate for an open position should be much easier if you use Facebook as a social recruiting tool.

And just as recruiters using Facebook as a social recruiting tool,  for employees, Facebook has become a means for engaging themselves at work and telling the world that they belong to a great organization. And by doing this they are helping the organization to find their next candidate by spreading the word.

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