Bring home to work

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Fridays can be little bit more relaxed and flexible than any other work day since mostly everyone are in a weekend mood.

So lets make it a fun Friday by having some fun at work. Everyone spends most of their time in their work place so it is pivotal that we should find it comfy. Especially when we are stuck inside a cubicle under tremendous work pressure. In order to feel homely most of the people keep pictures of their family members in their work station, some people grow plants and others keep some collectibles  like dolls, mugs, pen holders etc  to help them feel an attachment to the work place and to feel like home. Well, hopefully Friday can be the best day when everyone can take some time to look around at how messy their work station is. You might even not realize until you have so much paper cluttered on top of our desk that we can’t even get the time to go through it and clear the mess.

Lets have a fun competition of having a best “home” at work. Employees can take time to clean and arrange their own work station. Let your employees decorate or arrange their workstation with those  little and sometimes weird things that they are attached to.

You can even have some themes going e.g. a beach or a miniature golf course and have a competition where neighbors team up and arrange their workstations based on the theme or even on the personality of their team.

Of course you should not have anything that can seem indecent or immoral. Take few pictures and share the creative winning ideas among all employees. Share with us how do you bring your home to work!!

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