Job Search Tips for Recent Graduates

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Don’t be an Imitator:  Being a Recruiter, I would be more interested to know about the experiences that you may have gained through your Internship or volunteer work rather than your academic course work. Instead of just copy/paste of the course work or the job description from a job site, personalize your resume that speaks about you and makes it stand out from the crowd. Tell the hiring manager how you can be a better fit for the position that you have applied for and that way he can relate you to the current job opportunities.

Networking: When I have a requirement I always approach my friends, employees and those in my network. Thus 80% of my recruitment happens through referrals and I find them to be very reliable. Networking is not just for job hunting; it is also about developing relationships that can help you not just today but also for jobs that open up in future. Start interacting and constantly communicating with people especially with those working in the industry that you want to get in. Social Media tools like LinkedIn, Facebook & Twitter help you do that in a very professional way. Be digitally savvy and learn how to use all these social media tools in an effective manner.

Showcase a professional footprint in the social world: The possibility of impressing someone is much greater when you present yourself through the Social Medias like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and other tools. Make the employers notice you by involving yourself in discussions posted by them. Instead of just re-tweeting start sharing your own views and interests towards meaningful discussions. Make sure you don’t have photos posted on your Facebook wall that you don’t want the employers to see. Always be professional and make private any photos or comments that are intended for your friends.

Don’t make that mistake: I sometimes get email from candidates that are addressed to a different name and person. I am sick of it. The moment I see that mail it will directly go to the trash. Make sure you are not just forwarding/copy-pasting the mail which you already forwarded to multiple recruiters. Always draft fresh mail to each and every single recruiter to avoid these mistakes and personalize your interaction. Having a personalized mail shows your interest in pursuing a career with them. If you have not been selected this time for the position, chances are that they would consider you for another position and even refer to other recruiters.

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