Failure sucks for good!

My husband and I went ice skating last weekend. It was not a planned thing but every time we go to our nearby shopping mall we are amazed to see a bunch of kids simply enjoying flying like butterflies on ice skates. It was a fantasy for us, something that we always wanted to try. This time when we went there we noticed a small kid taking her first lessons. Hmm, we heard the instructor tell her – bring your hands up perpendicular to the floor, look ahead, bend your knees, balance your body and move on, just do it! (more…)

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Why Reward programs suck! Part II

This is the second part of an ongoing series “Why Rewards aren’t Rewarding“. Click on it to read the part I. Here are some reasons why rewards programs may not always work.

When programs focus on micro instead of macro: Having worked in telecom industry I know the real work pressure that sales employees go through in order to meet their target. (more…)

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How to stand out on LinkedIn

This article is for those who are new to LinkedIn or might have not cared about the LinkedIn etiquette.

As we all know LinkedIn is a amazing website to build your professional network. I meant ‘Professional’. That doesn’t mean that with a click of a button you can influence somebody. Or frankly, sending an automated connection request might not work every time when you need to connect with a person and help you grow professionally. (more…)

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5 Rules of Employee Engagement

Come on, an employee doesn’t really care about your struggles to create a fun atmosphere at workplace if the work that he does on a day to day basis is not fascinating to him.

Efforts are always made from the time of inception of an organization to figure out the best practices that could possibly make their employees more engaged. But make sure not to miss the fact that employees care more about their job and their growth within the organization. (more…)

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Keep up your drive to ‘Need More’

You might have read about the blog post that I wrote last week in which I talk about complacency. Very recently I come across with that word again. This time the word stuck in my mind after reading the book ‘You Don’t need a God Father’ written by Elango R.

Am I going to talk about complacency again? No, but what I want to share here is the path that can lead you into a success trap.


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