How Hiring Managers manage large number of job applications

Check out this guest blog from Raj Sheth, CEO & Founder of sharing with us how Hiring Managers manage large number of job applications!

In today’s flooded job market, recruiters, managers, and human resources specialists have to figure out a way to keep track of all of the applicants. Fortunately, there are applicant tracking systems that help those who are hiring, keep track of the people who want to be hired.

Where the Problems Begin

Applicants send their resumes and job applications to companies in a variety of different forms. When managers receive job applications from email programs, hiring software, and Internet recruiter sites, they are left with an organizational nightmare. Just compiling those applications and resumes is a significant amount of work, and hiring managers also have to keep track of which applications are worth interviewing. (more…)

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How to avoid being a Social Media Jerk

Last week I took a step back to understand what it really means by ‘being social’ to people including me! It was bit of a hard experience for me to stay back from you and my blog but I really don’t like to throw in some scribbled junk here just for the sake of doing it. So I hope you can excuse my absence for the past week.

I really wanted that kind of a break to take a moment, step aside and see how people really treat their social media presence. As we now have a lot of blogs, tweets and hell lot of information coming in every second, is that all genuine or is that just noise! (more…)

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Top 10 Social Recruiters on Twitter

I am a fan of twitter chat communities and have been involved in the space consistently for a while now. This has helped me notice the recruiters out there who are seriously contributing their ideas and thoughts, sharing job search advice and are highly active on twitter to find, connect & engage their candidates. I am sure you would agree that this is more than just throwing a job description at you and leaving you staring at a black hole!

So here are the Top 10 Social Recruiters on Twitter that you must connect with!


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5 Top blogs to get Free HR and Recruiting webinars

You hopefully agree that going to conferences to gain new HR knowledge or hiring someone to mentor you and advice on your career are often too expensive these days! But the internet has opened up new ways of learning in much more collaborative and cost effective manner. I have listed below the 5 Top blogs to get Free HR and Recruiting webinars. These offer FREE webinars and are often hosted by the top speakers & HR experts in the world! Some of it are eligible for HRCI credit! So you better don’t miss it! (more…)

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How not to make Performance appraisal tiresome this year

The dreadful year end annual performance review is over and aren’t you glad it is done. You are probably thinking that it could have been done in a more strategic way so that it doesn’t feel like a yearly assault on employees and a tiresome tasks for managers.

And when you look at the Return on Investment (ROI), out of the time and effort that you spent to completing the process, both managers and employees would agree that it ended up with no value! And you are wondering what changes could make this dreadful and tiresome process into something valuable and welcomed by all. (more…)

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How and Where to find candidates on Twitter?

As part of my responsibilities in helping the HR community at the local SHRM chapter in my city, I was preparing a presentation on where and how to find candidates on Twitter! I know if you are a beginner on twitter it can be overwhelming for you to find your lead candidates. And you might get frustrated if you don’t get results from all the time you spent on Twitter. But here are some great outlets for you to find your candidates and engage them on twitter! (more…)

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How to use Facebook for Job search

I hope you all agree that Facebook is fun and I know, even if you are not an active user you can’t resist yourself from checking Facebook to see your friends updates and shared photos!

Most of you are connected with your coworkers, managers and even their network connections! So why don’t we utilize those connections to search for jobs! There may be employers, recruiters and probably someone who knows of a job opening or is planning to add one more member to their team! There is always somebody in your social network who is searching for a candidate.  (more…)

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20 Workplace Resolutions for you from your coworkers

We all make some blunders knowingly and unknowingly at work. Sometimes you can’t think of anything but just work, work & work!! And you don’t even know your colleagues have noticed something odd in you. Sometimes they and your managers may frame your personality based on the blunders/behavior/routine you make.

So I was thinking what could be the resolution that we think others should consider making at workplace! May be resolve to avoid making blunders. When I thought of writing about this the first thing I wanted to do is to reach out to my friends & readers, especially my Facebook friends! They always inspire me with great ideas which I may never imagine. (more…)

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