How and Where to find candidates on Twitter?

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As part of my responsibilities in helping the HR community at the local SHRM chapter in my city, I was preparing a presentation on where and how to find candidates on Twitter! I know if you are a beginner on twitter it can be overwhelming for you to find your lead candidates. And you might get frustrated if you don’t get results from all the time you spent on Twitter. But here are some great outlets for you to find your candidates and engage them on twitter!

Involve in online Communities

Recruiters and candidates alike are active on various online communities like #jobhuntchat, #HFchat, #Tchat #nextchat. They often discuss about job searches, Human Resources and workplace issues and have a huge following of talent across the world. Involve yourself in these discussions to increase your visibility and connect with potential candidates!

Use & follow hashtags

Candidates often use hashtags like #jobsearch, #hireme #needajob #jobhunt #intern to get themselves noticed by recruiters. And at the same time candidates follow hashtags like #hiring, #Recruiting, #nowhiring #jobposting #joblisting  #jobtips #career etc to know of updates about the job postings on twitter! So use these hashtags and make sure to follow the industry specific hashtags. For eg. if you are looking for one in engineering use industry specific hashtag like #engineering, #accounting etc.

Use advanced search feature

Use advance search feature on twitter to find your candidates based on location, hashtag and keywords. Click here to check the twitter advanced search

Follow the followers of career strategists

People actively searching for jobs often seek career related updates and information on twitter. Surely a lot of candidates would be following career experts to help them with job searching tactics. So it’s worth looking at the followers of career experts like @USNewsCareers, @WSJCareers, @BrazenCareerist, @AOL Jobs

Follow your competitor’s followers

The greatest thing about twitter is anyone can view the followers of others. So it is wise to look at your dominant competitor’s twitter following and follow them back. It’s little harsh though but convince your twitter followers that it is worth following you back by engaging them and sharing relevant articles and content related to job search tips and industry updates!

Photocredit: Galeria Uninter

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