I am back from my social sabbatical

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I am back from my vacation in India and yes, from my social sabbatical too! I wanted this break as it had been three years since I moved to US and since then I haven’t had a chance to be with the ones who care most about me…my family. My mom and dad who wanted to see nothing but the happiness for their children. My younger sister and little brother who fight each other for silliest things and yet, that’s how they express their love. And they have one rule, that nobody else interfere in their fights. Crazy kids!!

Both have grown a lot. My sister has become more mature as she juggles through the early stages of her work life, aspiring to excel in the corporate world and yes, learning to survive office politics too! And my little teenage brother, is in high school, fascinated with all the gadgets and video games. That’s my little family and now you know why I was on a social sabbatical.

Things I learned in the past year

  • It is ok to say ‘NO’ to the things and opportunities that don’t resonate with who you are as a person.
  • Learn to prioritize so you can manage your time, focus on what is important in your life and learn to accomplish your goals
  • Time is money, use it wisely! And save some time to spend with your family and the ones who care about you. You cannot replace your presence with anything else.
  • Ask for help. Talk to your friends when you go through any emotional stress, chances are they might have already gone through such situations. Sharing is caring and vice versa.
  • As you respect the people who value you and your work, it is also important to learn to ignore the ones who talk behind you.
  • Take risks, start new projects, learn from every single mistake.
  • Do great work, and do it for you! It won’t get unnoticed!
  • You are you because of your healthy body and mind. Take care of your health, only then can you take care of others.

Looking back the year 2013, I have learned and achieved so many great things that I am super proud of. The moments that humbled me were becoming a co-host of DriveThruHR, being able to work with social media team of Louisiana SHRM state conference 2013, Oklahoma SHRM state conference 2013, and SHRM 2013 Annual conference and Exposition in Chicago. And glad to see India HR LIVE  is getting a lot of traction in the Indian HR community. Apart from this I am honored and extremely happy to see the support of HR community around the globe and appreciate the social accolades!

And my sincere gratitude to my followers and readers for your unconditional support that inspires me to do more! Happy New Year to all!!

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