Top 10 Twitter chats for HR, Recruiters & Job seekers!

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Being a Social media advisor at my local SHRM chapter, my goal is to make more people get on to social media and help them benefit from the amazing opportunity to connect with, engage, network & learn from others.

Last month I facilitated a presentation on “How to use social Media to land a job” to an HR & Recruiting group and I understood majority of them don’t even know of various twitter chats and have not yet participated in any of them! When you have a great platform to share your thoughts on various trends happening at your industry, showcase your expertise and connect with like minded people why wouldn’t you use that opportunity? And I wrote this long time back on why I encourage you to join these online communities!

Check out these twitter chats. Every chat comes with unique and interesting questions every week that you can check on their website and look for previews to know the topic they are going discuss next week so you can be prepared. Now, if you missed participating in one of your favorite discussions you can even have a look at their achieves or recaps. How cool is that!

Here are top 10 twitter chats I follow

(Click on Previews to know their topics for next week and check out Recaps/Archives to read tweets from previous chats)

#Tchat (Every Wednesday 7-8 pm ET)

I am a total fan of #Tchat and this a place where people I think of as thought leaders in HR/Recruiting and blogging space hangout. Every week, #TChat draws hundreds of participants into rapid-fire discussions about workplace hot topics.  These dynamic forums generate thousands of ideas and helpful links, which they even summarize in weekly recaps. #Tchat is ran by  @meghanmbiro and @kevinwgrossmanPreviews and Recaps

# Nextchat (Every Wednesday 3 pm ET)

I love #nextchat and you can connect with me regularly over here! I am honored to do guest hosing for the discussion on ” The Tangled web of HR and Recruiting” and you can read the recap by clicking here. #Nextchat is an initiative of SHRM’s We Know Next blog – The leading resource for business executives, policymakers and human resource leaders to explore and discuss the latest workforce and workplace trends—providing the in-depth research and insights needed to adapt and take advantage of what’s next. Previews and Recaps

# HRTechchat (Every other Friday 2-3 pm ET)

If you are looking to get the inside track on HR Technology and if you like the techie side of talent, you’ll love #HRTechChat that run by  @brentskinner and @meghanmbiro. Provides you the opportunity to compare notes in real time with vendors, IT practitioners, industry influencers and others at the forefront of human capital innovation. Previews

#Peoplechat (Every Tuesday 12.30 – 1pm CT)

What excites me everyday Tuesday after our DriveThruHR radio show is the amazing opportunity to connect with HR professionals and experts at #peoplechat following the show. Great friends of mine, HR thought leaders & HR vendors join together to discuss everything under the realm of HR hosted by Peopleclues- now a part of PeopleMatterPreviews

#HFchat (Every Friday ET)

Every Friday, HFchat features guest hosts and leaders in the career search industry. HFchat answer questions, helps solve problems, and point you in the right direction.  Bottom line, HFChat makes your job search easier hosted by @HRMargoPreviews

#Leadershipchat (Every Tuesday 8pm ET)

This is a place where leaders from around the world gather to share their insights, experiences and advice on all things leadership. Are you looking to connect with leadership people, looking to know more about what it takes to become a leader stop by #leadershipchat hosted by Steve Woodruff and Lisa Petrilli and connect with CEOs, CXOs and HR leaders too. Previews

#Jobhuntchat (Every Monday ET)

If you are jobseeker who is looking to get connected with recruiters, HR professionals, career experts, Resume writers #jobhuntchat is the right place for you to hangout. Simply awesome with job search advice and conversation. #Jobhuntchat is ran by @CornOnTheJob, @Blogging4JobsPreviews 

#InternPro (Every Monday ET)

#interPro is a great community with recent grads, college students, career strategists, mentors and experts managed by @YouTern. Joining them will help you  successfully get from the classroom the workforce. Previews and Recaps

#IndiaHRchat (Last Wednesday of every month IST)

After attending several twitter chats from US that helped me expand my network here, I always searched for one from India to meet the awesome HR professionals from my home land. And thanks to @Tanvi_gautam for taking this initiative and co-ordinating a monthly twitter chat.  #IndiaHRchat is a monthly twitter chat aimed at creating conversation with/for the Indian HR community and those interested in the region. Previews

#LinkedInchat (Every Tuesday 8-9 pm ET)

This chat is open to anyone who has questions about LinkedIn, advice, complaints, praise for LinkedIn…almost anything about LinkedIn. If you are looking to get all your LinkedIN queries addressed and know how to explore this awesome tool to connect and engage with recruiters #Linkedinchat would be the right place.LinkedInchat is ran by @linkedinexpert and @martinehuntePreviews

P.S.: This list was not prepared by any scientific methods and is not in any particular order but rather is my opinion based on personal experiences participating in various twitter chats.

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