Top 10 HR people you need to follow in Social HR!

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Throughout my blogging journey I have met a lot of amazing HR minds & experts and I have contributed my write ups to a few of them as well! And this is the first time I am honored to introduce a guest post from a friend of mine, who I met on Twitter, with interesting perspectives and views – Lexie Forman-Ortiz! So let us get ready for some interesting insights from her! Here we go!

Lately, we hear a lot about social recruiting. Twitter, arguably more than any other social network, is an invaluable tool at the intersection of social media and HR. Twitter has over 140,000,000 active users and there are 340,000,000 Tweets sent per day.

With so much content, and transparency Twitter’s micro-blogging community has created an information center where people with the same interests can hold conversations that would have never been possible before.

For HR folks there are a number of different niche Twitter communities that are available to share stories and advice. These 10 Social HR pros are masters at sharing helpful content, engaging, and keeping us current on the Social HR scene.

10. @AlliPolin: Alli is recognized for her leadership skills and her teaching ability. She has spearheaded a number of HR initiatives. Her tweets show her versatility and wisdom in the field.

9. @williamtincup: This is a Twitter all HR folks should know about. His timeline consists of all the most current HR related articles. There’s no topic that goes uncovered.

8. @KevinWGrossman: Kevin is #TChats co-founder, an online Talent discussion that, “never ends.” With so much conversation coming his way it’s amazing how often he responds and acknowledges insightful comments.

7. @MeghanMBiro: Meghan is #TChats other co-founder, like Kevin she is always in the conversation. Meghan’s feed has updates, news, etc. What’s most impressive is her ability to keep up conversation; she knows how to ask the right questions.

6. @JeromeTernynck: As the CEO and Founder of SmartRecruiters Jerome is making the technology that makes HR social. Jerome is a believer in evoking change in the HR world, his tweets make that clear. Follow him to stay up to date on HR innovation.

5. @SocialSalima: Salima is a force in social HR. As an organizer of SocialHRCamp she has keen awareness of the evolving aspect of social in HR. Her tweets challenge the tradition by hosting a slew of Social Media and HR related info.

4. @AcademiaHR: AcademiaHR tweets the great quotes of the world to teach HR – but look out – some of the quotes are HR spins on famous quotes. His tweets are a refreshing change from just article sharing. His creativity is clear by authoring modified quotes.

3. @JeffWaldmanHR: Jeff is SocialHRCamp’s founder. He is passionate about Social HR and proves this through his blog, speaking engagements, and enthusiasm in creating connections. His tweets mirror his innovative spirit.

2. @jrkuhns: Jay is a trailblazer is Social HR. He quickly realized the importance of having a voice outside the office walls and adopted Twitter and started his blog, New Excuses HR. His tweets discuss current trends and offer insight.

1. @UndercoverRecruiter: The Undercover Recruiter is the #1 career and recruitment blog in Europe, and top 5 in the world. Their tweets share articles and advice for every possible situation.With accolades like those it would be crazy not to read their tweets.

If you follow these 10 people, you will learn about the practitioners, blog and human resource technologies that are shaping what social is to HR. Follow them.

P.S.: This list was prepared by Lexie and is based on her opinions considering practitioners, community builders, bloggers, and those in technology and is not intended to be very scientific. It is based on engagement and span of information they were sharing.

Lexie Forman-Ortiz is Community Manager at SmartRecruiters. A San Francisco native, she has proven she can live anywhere with stints in Lawrence, KS and the Amazon basin of Peru. She believes social media is the perfect way to fight for a cause.

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