Recognize the invisible support @ work!!!

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It is celebration time in office and that is what it takes to get people closer to each other and bring joy to them.

Its Christmas time and everyone will be having grand celebrations and events in their office. Last year at work we had a Best Santa competition, Christmas carol competition and other fun activities like wine drinking competition, mimicry, karaoke and dancing. The office was decorated with lights, stars and of course beautiful Christmas trees.

Employees enjoyed it and as always everyone had a nice moment to remember from our workplace.

I had amazing support for me to run the employee engagement programs from the forefront. No matter the count of employees or the location of the offices, organizing the employee engagement activities was not that tough due to the enormous support from people who volunteered their help.

We conducted some Fun activities or celebrations at our office every now and then as part of employee engagement. There were people constantly helping me in getting things set up like buying required stuff, getting the venue arranged in order to start the program, decorating the office if required and what not! And I always kept my expectations high. So there were situations where I might be in need of something particularly hard to do in short span of time e.g. rearranging the total podium half an hour before the start of the program. I had confidence that the things which I forgot to inform/assign would still be ready to go.

To have success in these programs, HR as an entity may not be able to do everything alone. You have to involve people who know the length and breadth of activities involved in it. Especially the Admin staff. They know what to get and from where. When you are busy with making employees involved in these kinds of programs it’s the admin staff that supports you in ways that are invisible to others. This may not be their key responsibility but they do it nevertheless.

A salary hike or promotion may not truly motivate an employee but recognition in what they do pays off better. I know people who find it difficult in motivating their employees but if you take notice, there may be situations where you put off employees by not recognizing the invisible things that they do.

Don’t make other’s efforts go unrecognized at least from your end. We cannot expect management team to come down and appreciate them but you can do it!!. After every program when I was appreciated and recognized, I always make a point to recognize people who helped me and thank them for their invisible contribution.

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