My Top 10 Blog Posts of 2012

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It’s snowing in Dallas and it is such a great coincidence that it happened on Christmas Day!

It was a rough rainy night through out yesterday and it continued until today noon! All I was hoping for was a little snow and there is no fun without the white snow flakes flying outside to welcome Santa. And It did happen!

It was so amazing to take a walk outside in this cool white weather which we very rarely get in Texas! So I made the most out of it and played around outside and when I got home, all I did was curl up on my couch and flip though my blog posts of this year!

If you are looking to read something, here are my top 10 blog posts of 2012 based on maximum shares & likes on social media! 

10. Reader’s Question of the week- How to gain your Manager’s confidence in you?

9. What does it take to have a winning corporate culture?

8. Employees spreading positive vibes about their company

7. 5 Reasons why Employee Engagement fails

6. Recruit Smarter with Big Data

5. Candidate Experience matters!

4. Don’t work for the best companies

3. Presenting your Job Description & Company Culture graphically pays off

2. Employee Engagement isn’t all Fun activities

1. Make Employees your Social Brand Ambassadors!

Hope you enjoy reading it and let me know if I missed one of your favorite posts.

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