Reader’s Question of the week – Time needed by new hire to show his full potential

I have been in the sales job for 4 years and have recently joined a new company where I work as a Sales Executive. Its been only a month now with this company. I know how to do my job and I am currently working to improve my market base and client relationships. (more…)

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Brain Drain – The Great Indian Movement

I always wanted to write a series that talks about my life being an Indian immigrant in the United States. Things that you may or may not have heard of, hopefully change your myths about American lifestyle and economy and especially how it relates to the Indian wealth of knowledge. Every time I thought of posting this, my gut said, it’s not the right time or I am not ready. But I think it is time and here I go! (more…)

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At work – Fun and Happiness are contagious

This week I talked about being Great Leaders, Managing Multiple Bosses and now I want to talk about being happy at work!

I had an amazing time working for my previous employer (Reliance Communications). No, I am not sugarcoating nor am I saying this because I am not currently working with them but I miss them. Like any other organization I had good times and some bad times. It is all part of the game. But if someone asked me this question “if I had an option to continue there, would I!?” Yes, Of course, I will. (more…)

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Great Leaders – Stop doing too much and start leading
Busy Businessman

Great Leaders – Stop doing too much and start leading

Last week I visited one of my friends (who is a manager at Texas Instruments) to congratulate him on the arrival of his baby boy. He was full of joy and excited and the baby had brought out a certain warmth in him. But at the same time when I asked him about his work he was kind of stressed out for staying away from his work for few days. (more…)

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