One Year Anniversary of Your HR Buddy Blog

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Yes, It is August 25th, the day I decided to paint my thoughts with shades of HR on this site. The day I started scribbling my experiences working in HR, refined into a blog and published my first post in blogspot. Read it here (What if the employee has shown up on the first day and nothing is ready?)

That was just a try and I never thought that I will be a blogger. But sitting on my couch with a laptop and browsing through web searching for what next and thinking of adding value to my profession and my career opened me up to the idea that blogging could help elevate my personal brand.

Through out this first year of blogging the things that kept me alive on this web page is my passion for HR and eagerness to learn more and more and know what is happening in the HR realm. The experiences and knowledge that I gained from interacting with the work force has given me the strength to say things from their perspective.  Of course this is an ongoing learning process that keeps me engaged all the time and helps me be up to date about changes and latest trends in the work world.

And I feel so great to see the Pro HR bloggers out there for being so supportive when I needed your help and for motivating me all the time. And thank you to all, my fellow readers, for making me believe that I can make a difference through my writing. I feel so awesome when people started telling their stories to me. They made me believe that there are real people out there listening to what I say here!

A few landmarks that I achieved in the last year is becoming a contributor to two awesome blogs and

Glad to see my blog post published in two magazines- HR Republic’s Guild of HRPeoplematters- A Leading people building organisations

If you missed it, you can read a few of my popular and most commented posts from last year here.

How to manage your boss and make your career succeed?

Give your best shot everyday @ work!! 

4 positive traits that can get you fired!!

Get Promoted – Create your internal sphere of Influence at work

Leader’s Talk with Social Media Evangelist – Gautam Ghosh 

Brain Drain – The Great Indian Movement 

A few of my favorites:

Inspiration from Steve Jobs Stanford commencement speech!!

Why are employees frustrated by HR!!

Give Ownership to your team to get the best out of them.

Reader’s Question of the week- How to gain your Manager’s confidence in you?

Let me know if I missed to mention one of your favorite post. See you on next week!!

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