Portfolio Highlights

Employer Branding

Developed and executed global and regional employer branding strategies across 40+ countries focused on driving Talent Attraction and Acquisition capabilities to enable business growth, elevating brand awareness and loyalty for one of the Most Admired companies to work for – Thermo Fisher Scientific and for the nation’s largest non-profit organization American Heart Association.

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Work on your Vulnerabilities!

Do you dare to talk about your vulnerabilities? I know, we all have some strange or even similar types of vulnerabilities but we don't dare to accept it and won't take a chance to face it. Most of the time we try to skip it or play it safe enough to not get into that situation! Don't we?

5 Online communities you need to check out

If you are into social media you might have already identified your niche site where you connect, share and engage with a group of professionals online and offline. Be it LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter or any other. And you might have your own favorite groups where you can't wait to discuss various topics related to your profession. Yes, I am talking about online communities.

Make Employees your Social Brand Ambassadors!

Do you think people update their LinkedIn profile only because they are actively searching for jobs? There is always this misperception and people often fear to update their LinkedIn profile in the assumption that their employers will think that they are looking for another job! Actually this was his first response when I told my husband and his friends to update their LinkedIn profile! They felt they don't need to since they are not searching for jobs!

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