Portfolio Highlights

Employer Branding

Developed and executed global and regional employer branding strategies across 40+ countries focused on driving Talent Attraction and Acquisition capabilities to enable business growth, elevating brand awareness and loyalty for one of the Most Admired companies to work for – Thermo Fisher Scientific and for the nation’s largest non-profit organization American Heart Association.

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Why Performance Management doesn't increase productivity?

It's the year end time and most of you might be preparing for your performance appraisal and some of you might have already finished it at this time. Getting your self appraisal done and finishing your team members appraisal. Busy times. Well, how did it go? After all, the year long effort has been validated and summarized in 15 minutes of discussion! And if you think it is just a matter of entering some feedback in the system then that is why your Performance Management sucks and your employees don't give a damn about it especially if your feedback doesn't make any sense! And it won't boost productivity at any cost.

Holiday Office Party ideas

Yeah! It's Christmas time and I know you have landed this page looking for holiday office party ideas to rock your celebrations. Not surprisingly I have noticed a lot of visitors landing my blog by searching for similar ideas. So here we go!

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