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Employer Branding

Developed and executed global and regional employer branding strategies across 40+ countries focused on driving Talent Attraction and Acquisition capabilities to enable business growth, elevating brand awareness and loyalty for one of the Most Admired companies to work for – Thermo Fisher Scientific and for the nation’s largest non-profit organization American Heart Association.

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Top 10 Social Recruiters on Twitter

I am a fan of twitter chat communities and have been involved in the space consistently for a while now. This has helped me notice the recruiters out there who are seriously contributing their ideas and thoughts, sharing job search advice and are highly active on twitter to find, connect & engage their candidates. I am sure you would agree that this is more than just throwing a job description at you and leaving you staring at a black hole!
So here are the Top 10 Social Recruiters on Twitter that you must connect with!

5 Top blogs to get Free HR and Recruiting webinars

You hopefully agree that going to conferences to gain new HR knowledge or hiring someone to mentor you and advice on your career are often too expensive these days! But the internet has opened up new ways of learning in much more collaborative and cost effective manner. I have listed below the 5 Top blogs to get Free HR and Recruiting webinars. These offer FREE webinars and are often hosted by the top speakers & HR experts in the world! Some of it are eligible for HRCI credit! So you better don't miss it!

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