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Employer Branding

Developed and executed global and regional employer branding strategies across 40+ countries focused on driving Talent Attraction and Acquisition capabilities to enable business growth, elevating brand awareness and loyalty for one of the Most Admired companies to work for – Thermo Fisher Scientific and for the nation’s largest non-profit organization American Heart Association.

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Why do employees think you are an HR Zombie

Even these days when someone new asks about my profession and when I say I am an HR, (Human Resources) they will go! Awh!! I still don’t understand why HR as a profession always has to be in the hate list of employees and common workforce. HR as a profession has advanced so much as we think and act always keeping the business in mind. But not being conscious of your employees and failing to treat them as humans can negatively impact the bottom line! Here are a few thoughts why your employees think you are a Zombie!

Fire those managers who don’t fit

It is no brainer that employees who fit your organization’s culture stay longer and hiring the right match assures continued success.
Organizational culture is civilization in the workplace - Alan Adler
I read this interesting article on HBR.org, 'Culture is a social control system. Here the focus is on the role of culture in promoting and reinforcing 'right' thinking and behaving, and sanctioning 'wrong' thinking and behaving'. That is true, and sometimes the whole business model can be your culture. For example - the friendly and open culture in organizations like Disney, Zappos, Facebook etc. And most often it is the consistent pattern of behavior in the organization. So beware of the risk of having someone continue working with you who is detrimental to your organization’s culture. Not only can he influence others negatively, his actions can also effect your brand. I talked about why hiring a culture fit is important over a post here, and now I wanted to highlight why you should be willing to let go of those who don’t fit. Especially the ones who are in leadership or managerial roles.

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